Remedial Massage

Frankston Remedial Massage

When muscles get tired, tense and damaged remedial massage provides a healing effect that can make a long lasting change to the way you feel and move.

Your remedial massage Frankston South therapist will do a thorough assessment identifying the biomechanical dysfunction which will allow you to heal the cause as well as the symptoms.

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Remedial massage uses several different techniques to help repair and create balance to damaged  and tight muscles.

What are you going to get out of a remedial massage treatment?

There are numerous benefits from remedial massage.

  • Increases circulation by helping blood flow return to the heart
  • Helps speed up the recovery of muscle strains and sprains
  • Stimulates the skin and nervous system
  • Creates relaxation and calm
  • Breaking down muscles and removing toxins
  • creates length and stretches the muscles fibres and tendons
  • Reduces stress and tension both physically and emotionally
  • Stimulation of the lymphatic system
  • improved skin tone
  • helps during and after pregnancy

Remedial massage can also help in a number of disorders like: depression, anxiety, insomnia, constipation, chronic pain, arthritis, headaches, high BP.

The treatment can provide relaxation and general well being and  has both short and long-term effects on the body.  For general maintenance to prevent injury a treatment every 4-6weeks is required.

What to expect in a remedial massage treatment?

After a thorough visual and physical Julie will use several different techniques such as deep tissue massage, cupping, dry needling, myofascial release, trigger point therapy and stretching to help create balance back  in the body. Results can be obtained after as much as one visit, though on going therapy is always a good thing.

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It’s time to create balance back into your body and live a longer healthier life!!!

Myotherapy and Remedial Massage Frankston South

Remedial Massage Frankston South, Frankston, Mount Eliza, Mornington, Seaford, Mount Martha and surrounding suburbs.